Our recent trip to Colorado, via Kansas of course, featured a munchkin toilet, a Ferris wheel inside a store, a revelation of what’s in a cheeseburger (or so it seemed), and a place where dart-throwing is a game for sissies. And, oh yes, we DID see some mountains this time.
We drove across Kansas, which we kind of like to do. The Flint Hills in the eastern part, the wide open sky and countryside, the windmills lazily—most of the time—creating electricity, the scattered houses and small towns on the high prairie on the west side.
Whenever we make that trip, we cannot help but compare I-70 in Kansas to I-70 in Missouri. We were at peace on the highway in Kansas. It’s smooth, quiet, and features FEW billboards. We all know about I-70 in Missouri, a butt-ugly disgrace of sardinesque traffic cans that cram cars, trucks, bigger trucks, campers, RVs, pickups, motorcycles and Heaven knows what else into a tight space at 80 mph, with elbow to elbow billboards advertising everything from Ann’s bras to somebody’s porn shop. Driving on I-70 in Missouri is a tiring slog through mile after mile of advertising sludge. Crossing into Kansas generates an instant feeling of freedom.
If you make it to Goodland, about 18 miles short of Colorado, and if you stay at the Quality Inn, do not let the clerk give you Room 102. It’s a nice room for normal-sized people. But if you have to use the bathroom—-
That’s our tablet in front of the toilet to give you an idea of the scale of the fixture. The tablet is 8.25 inches tall. The, uh, facility must have been purchased from Munchkin Plumbing just down the road from Dorothy’s farm. It’s good for a pre-schooler, probably. But for adults?
We will not elaborate. You can use your imagination.
Goodland’s a nice, small town known for having the largest easel painting in the world. In fact, it’s a Van Gogh painting. Van Gogh was never in Kansas but he was famous for his five paintings of sunflowers. And we know what the state flower of Kansas is.
The easel is 80 feet tall (That’s Nancy underneath it for perspective) and is visible from the highway as you come into town from the East. It’s on your right and easy to miss from a distance.
Kansas has two things that have come to symbolize the state, other than sunflowers. It has windmills, 3500 of them. And grain elevators. One of those in Goodland reminds us of a great ship of the plains waiting to load its cargo.
A lot of first-time travelers to Colorado are disappointed when they don’t see mountains as soon as they cross the state line. It takes a while before they start to rise against the western horizon. The traveler begins to see them about 45-50 miles from Denver. But in July, we couldn’t see them at all from there and they were only vague shadows in the western forest fires smoke when we were as close as four or five miles. Here’s the picture we used in our July 31 entry. It was taken from six miles away:
But the day after Thanksgiving, we drove out to the same area, or close to it:
Or, looking south:
It never quite looked like Colorado in July. But it sure looked like it at Thanksgiving.
We went to Loveland one day, to a place that seemed to be a cross between Bass Pro/Cabella’s and Dick’s Sporting Goods. We saw a woman walking around with her cat in her backpack, which had a clear plastic cover and air holes to give Puff air.
Can’t see the cat? Look at the lower right, just above the right air hole and you’ll see two yellow eyes. Several folks had their dogs with them. Not service dogs. Just dog dogs. It’s part of Colorado’s laid-back culture.
The place had a Ferris wheel right in the middle. Big sucker. We haven’t been on one in years so we rode it and got a good look at both stories of the store.
We expected Colorado to be Colorado in late November and early December—a few years ago we ran ahead of an ice storm all the way back home as far as Salina holed up for the night while the storm passed and then came the rest of the way to Jefferson City on a cold, wet day with cleared roads but ice and freezing rain on the trees and roadsides. So we packed appropriate cool or cold weather clothes.
It was in the 60s or low 70s every day but one. The day before Thanksgiving it was a raw, gray day in the low 40s. There were even a few tiny snow things in the air.
We had an eye-opening experience on the way home to Missouri. We stopped for lunch at a famous fast food place in Burlington, Colorado and learned:
Wow! And all this time I thought those things were 100% ground beef!
Here’s another discovery from Kansas: There’s a bar in Topeka that doesn’t seem to have much interest in dart-throwing.
Kansas was a place where a 6-foot-tall scowling temperance crusader named Carrie Nation stormed through the doors with an axe in her hand and started breaking up bars.
I don’t know if I’d want to spend much time in a place where there’s a lot of drinking going on and people are throwing axes.
But, you see, there ARE interesting places in Kansas. Just don’t get in the way of an axe or, if you have bad knees, check into Room 102.