In these turbulent times, some things are harder than others.
Brian Andreas is an Iowa native author and artist. If you want to know more about him, check Wikipedia.
And if you’re in Indianapolis, drop by the Zoo. It’s a really nice, though small, place that’s doing some interesting things. That’s where Karen works. It’s a great small zoo where I have had close encounters with a sloth, some kangaroos, some free-flying exotic birds, and where there’s a great Orangutan facility.
She gave me a t-shirt a few years ago, when the new facility opened, that proclaims humans are genetically 96.4% Orangutans.
National Geographic told me a few years ago that I also am 1.5% Neanderthal.
Such information suggests you and I should be a little less arrogant about our self-assured Homo Sapien-ness.
Sometimes it’s awfully hard to love the world we superior beings wake up to every morning. But let’s try.