Maybe He Has It Backwards

We saw a news account last weekend that our past president was suffering a severe case of the grumps.  Not sure why that’s news anymore. We’ve never known a grumpier politician, a person who’s just plain sour about almost everything.

It must have rained a lot at Mar-a-Lago this weekend, so much that he couldn’t occupy his mind chasing his golf ball around and was thus left to ruminate on why the world is so unfair to him.

He loves to use a phrase to discount the legitimacy of anybody who suggests he’s not his self-proclaimed genius.

Because the Wall Street Journal had the temerity to differ with him about the voting process in the Pennsylvania race for the U. S. Senate seat, he announced that the WSJ is a…


Oh, dear.

We are sure the Journal is worried about mass subscription cancellations now that its secret has been revealed.

Here’s a novel thought.

Maybe it’s Donald Trump who is the RINO.

Maybe there are a lot of Republicans out there who would like to see their party reclaim itself with that simple revelation.

The very election results in Pennsylvania might point to that.

Trump’s man, Mehmet Oz, has 31.2% of the vote, as we write this.

That means 68.8% of the Republican ballots were cast for someone else.

So who’s the outlier here?  The two thirds of the voters who might consider themselves the real Republicans or the Oz supporter who is quick to call those he can’t convince by a name.

Donald Trump, the real RINO?

Just askin’.


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