There are many who harbor this sentiment as we go into the 2022 midterm elections and anticipate the heat and smoke of 2024. Sad to say, too many of those we voters have put in positions of responsibility who are more interested in staying in positions of power have left too many voters feeling as this property owner felt six years ago.
The sign carries a message of hopelessness. The present political climate encourages that feeling.
The sign is a message of self-pity at a time when self-pity cannot be allowed.
This sign could be seen, insead, a message of opportunity. A challenge.
The proper response lies within those who think a yard sign such as this is all they can do.
Because it isn’t
Channelled, controlled anger can be a powerful force. Just make sure it’s directed at eliminating those who would leave us believing this sign is all we can do. Just make sure the mind overrules the gut in considering the people who want our votes.
And maybe a scattered few will realize they are better than those who have created this climate and they will be replaced by those who represent our better selves.
Lightbulbs and voters have one big thing in common. Both can be unscrewed.